Monday, May 22, 2006

What's New In Beads

Hello everyone
I took a walk along St Kilda Esplanade here in Melbourne on Sunday. Brrrr!!! It may only be autumn here in Victoria, Australia, but it felt like Winter. My ears suffered.
Anyway, there's a whole string of craft stalls along the Esplanade on Sundays, so it was interesting to see what the jewelry makers were selling.
On the whole, my impression was that jewelry was very simple, and quite chunky. Lots of chunky silver bracelets and necklaces, with only minimal beads (curses!). A very common style was to have a solid silver necklet, with one bead hanging off it.
As for the beads, resin and lampwork beads were definitely in. Very colourful, long tube shaped beads, particularly in earrings.
So I found it quite fascinating, it will be interesting to see if the trend appears in the mainstream.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

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