Monday, June 12, 2006

Stitch Markers

Rachel Knits: Stitch Markers: "Behold my stitch markers (and blurry picture)! Yep, these beaded stitch markers are functional quality artfully created beaded alright. Actually, if you pretend not to see the wire coming off the side of one of them, they aren't too bad for my first try. Especially if you consider that I have no idea what I'm doing. The closest I've ever come to beading is picking out pretty beads at the bead store/head shop and having someone else string them into a pretty necklace."

I think these are a great first effort!
Maybe there's a market out there for stitch markers, if you're keen to find an untapped niche market!
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

Beading Frenzy

Beading Frenzy: "Another part of the extravaganza consisted of a beading workshop. Dolores, my aunt Lynn's mother, is 82 and still as spunky as ever. She told my family bead experts Mimi and Ann that she'd like to learn how to bead, so that turned on the green light for a beading frenzy. Dolores definitely looks like she enjoyed herself."

What a great photo! And wonderful to see this 82yo lady enjoying herself so hugely.
Of course I'm also drooling at the site of the blue box holding all the beads - that looks like a very handy way to have all your beads at your fingertips!
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)