Saturday, March 18, 2006

~VioletBead's Blogg~

~VioletBead's Blogg~: "I have the dream. It is generally pretty vivid when I wake up. IF I remember it, I remember it very clearly. I then attempt to make what I dreamed come to life, usually after making a little sketch in a book. So it comes from inside me."

I thought this was an interesting explanation of how one beader comes up with her designs, and wondered if other beaders do the same thing. Personally I can't say I've ever dreamt of beads, I tend to see designs and colours I like and then go from there.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

karlas_beadsoup: New Journal

karlas_beadsoup: New Journal: "Who knew beading was soooo expensive o_O Okay, pretty much anyone who done it lol. I really want to sell a bunch of my pieces to support my beading habit, but I'm not sure the local market will support it. Apparently $12 is expensive for a bracelet that cost $8 and and 1 hour to complete. The beaders I know would charge wayyyy more and think I'm totally selling myself short with such low prices. I guess ppl around here are only used to Walmarts and Claires mass produced in a third world country where jewelry makers are lucky to recieve 2 U.S. bucks a day off hours of labor made with low quality plastic, base metal and cheap string. Maybe they just don't realize that between hours of finding high quality low cost distributors, spending hours searching through product listings, purchasing materials from distributors, paying shipping cost, sorting materials upon arrival, storing materials, designing the jewelry, crafting the jewelry, generating a price based on materials, time and what not, the end result is not a $3 piece of junk from Wallyworld"

I thought this was an interesting post, and wanted to share it. Have other beaders had the same sort of problem?
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)