Monday, April 03, 2006

Pearls and Peridot Times Two

Pearls and Peridot Times Two: "Sometimes we can make the loveliest things out of materials that may not really appeal to us at first glance. The case in point, the peach colored pearls in this necklace."

This is a really interesting necklace, not a combination I'd have thought of. The article goes on to give instructions how to make it.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

fifi_the_turtle: skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

fifi_the_turtle: skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!: "It's not the beads, it's the damn thread. Ever tried to thread a needle with no depth perception? I might as well save myself some time and just poke myself in the eye with it instead. I swear I made a noise like a monster from a Terry Gilliam movie (SKREEEEEEEEEEE!) out of pure frustration. Oh, those poor neighbors. Cleaning is officially replacing beading for the rest of the night."

I think we've all had one of those beading moments that produces a pretty horrible noise.....
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)