Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another Beader heading for success!

Check out her blog: "We're up and running, finally! No website, yet... but we've got a couple of things up on eBay. Anyway, there's much excitement and some plans (big? maybe) in the works... we'll eventually have some crystal suncatcher dangles, and some interesting chainmail necklaces, chokers and bracelets. There's also been talk of watches, bracelets, and rings made out of silverware... and possibly some Renaissance style jewelry. Eventually, there will be some silver band rings, and other assorted pieces, with yellow gold, white gold, and platinum by request. Of course, we're always coming up with new designs in beading... so you'll just have to keep an eye on us."

It's always great to see someone up and running with their beading business - congrats!
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

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