Thursday, July 28, 2005

Rapidly growing trend

- -: "Julia Robertson disagrees with her landlord�s assessment that her third expansion in four years was simply the result of poor planning.
Instead, she said, it�s the result of underestimating the beading and jewelry-making trend in the hobby world.

�I didn�t expect it to take off as quickly as it did,� said the owner of the Meant to Bead store, in 2,100 square feet of space at 6540 West Central Ave. in Sylvania Township. It has more than 8,000 items.
The draw of beads, in all shapes, sizes, and textures from countries all over the world, is increasingly felt in Toledo and beyond, with Bead & Button magazine estimating it is a $2 billion industry.

Craftrends magazine said participation in beading increased in all age groups from 2002 to 2004, and roughly 35 percent of all crafters participate in the hobby."

Interesting look at the business side of beading.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

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