Thursday, October 19, 2006

Working With Wire

Chasing Contentment: "I've signed up to sell my jewelry at a craft fair in early November, and I'm trying to begin working on pieces to show.

I'm looking at fall colors, holiday stuff, things I hope will be interesting. I'm also trying new techniques, which isn't always easy for me.

I'm trying to work with some wire these days, and these are some of my first attempts. In this one, I used red wire with red and white beads. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and it's really easy to wear because the wire is super light."

This is an interesting design, so I thought I'd share it with you. I also liked the comments about working with fall colors in preparation for that season. Do you do the same thing?
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

1 comment:

Chel said...

Hi. I just found your site and discovered that you found me first! Thanks for the mention. I'm still working on finding my rhythm with wire, but I'll have time to do some of that now that I've got most of my beaded jewelry holiday presents already made.

Thanks, again. I'll be back.