Thursday, January 05, 2006

This and That � Winter W/1 Bead Soup Eye-glass Necklace

This and That - Winter W/1 Bead Soup Eye-glass Necklace: "I really needed this necklace as I have glasses all over the house now that I don't see close up like I used to. It is a pain in the butt to fine them and having them hang from my shirt neck is not always convenient or safe. I have dropped them several times. Since there was a discussion on bead soup I got some of mine out and added some long silver bugles and some shorter ones to add. I used beading see thru thread and clam shells to hook it together. No clasp just the clam shells hooked together."

This is very pretty. But I'm curious - what exactly is "bead soup"? Anyone care to enlighten me? It's not a term I've heard before.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)

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