Friday, November 18, 2005

luvfairisle: Inviting vine

luvfairisle: Inviting vine: "Tami: this is because of you. Thanks for telling me to keep on beading. The bracelet is from Bead and Button, Dec. 2005 by Donna Graves. It was quick and fun to make and I love it because it's not bombastic (I'm only 5'2'). I think this particular issue was very good so I will probably make a few more. "

Another green bracelet! Very pretty design.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)


Sarebear said...

How difficult was this? I recently picked up this issue, and think it has aLOT of great things in it as well (usually I'm more lukewarm about this mag).

Fairly new beader, and I haven't tried anything but stringing yet. Still, I've read the instructions and would like to try it. I might try to figure out a rough strawberry to attach to my vine (I love strawberries). With a tiny white flower to indicate the blossom.

Anyway, was it easy? medium? hard?

Felicity said...

I collected this snippet from another beader's blog, and I haven't actually made the piece myself.
If you click on the post's header, it will take you through to the original blog where I saw this, and hopefully you will get an answer to your question there.
Keep smiling
Felicity 8-)